Vital–Praxis — Well Aging — Better Life
for ♀ and ♂
Vital substance infusions
Numerous celebrities have long sworn by the new vital substance trend - and more and more people in demanding professions or life situations are also putting their trust in the special infusion or injection packages. The highly dosed active ingredients regenerate and vitalize the entire body and thus have a targeted effect against stress, immune deficiency or lack of energy.
Advantages of infusions
Of the vitamins that one takes in through the gastrointestinal tract, only a portion actually reaches the blood with increasing age. However, if the vital substances are infused, they are available to the body in a higher dosage, faster and, above all, more effectively. Treat your body to a booster for more strength, energy, health and well-being. Depending on your complaints and wishes, we adapt the therapy to your individual needs in order to achieve an optimal, all-round satisfied result.
Usually, the body can maintain health through the defense mechanisms at its disposal. However, in special situations (e.g. high stress levels, vegetarian/vegan diet, infections, cancer, advanced age, etc.) the immune system needs support.
Our infusion packages are always preceded by a medical consultation with a detailed medical history and individual therapy planning. Depending on the findings and medical history, a laboratory analysis may also be recommended in some cases. Simply make your first appointment.
The optimal treatment period is 1-2 infusions per week over 1-4 weeks.
To make an appointment you are welcome to email or call us.